MOCHA and the EACH National Conference Day

On 23rd September 2016, MOCHA are co-hosting a study day with the European Association of Children in Hospital (EACH) in Zeist, Netherlands. This will precede the EACH biennial European Network Meeting.

The day looks at how children’s health is changing, and we will discuss how this affects children, and national health systems. EACH is an organisation that focuses on children in hospital, but because of better healthcare, seriously and chronically ill children can return home to their families far quicker than before. But the fundamental right for a child to have the best healthcare remains true, inside or outside a hospital. A child’s reaction, both physical and emotional, is different to an adult’s, and clearly, each child is unique – as is his or her family, social background, previous medical experiences and so on. This is something that modern healthcare needs to address.

You can find out more about the conference and how to register for this important and interesting discussion here:






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