This team is central to the smooth running of the project. It will be run by the project leader and his deputy, both of whom are experienced in the management of large European Commission-funded projects. The WP leaders will work closely with the project management team to ensure good communication, rewarding scientific work and strong cohesion in the project. They will be supported by a full time project officer who will ensure continuous communication with all WP leaders.
Regular meetings and communications will be held during the lifespan of the project:
- An annual meeting of all partners and personnel.
- Six-monthly meetings of the Work Package leaders, supplemented by monthly teleconference discussions.
- Six-monthly meetings of the External Advisory Board.
This WP will also monitor the project’s resources to ensure good governance of the project; and link directly with the European Commission as the funding body. The work package will also monitor progress towards each deliverable and milestone, review the project’s progress at regular intervals including the scientific objectives, resources used against budget and produce a final project report.