This work package will ensure that all interested parties (such as policy makers, health and social care professionals, children, young people and families) are fully aware of the project and its aims and how to engage with it from its inception. It will ensure that methodological and interim findings are exposed to critical review, refinement and improvement; and it will ensure that the final results of the project, including deliverables but also wider messages, are promoted widely to all stakeholders and those in positions of influence to leverage maximum impact.
This WP will be very active, in formative terms (disseminating the project’s objectives and methods) as well as summative (disseminating the findings). It will also work in synergy with each individual work package to facilitate each WPs own dissemination of the specific technical activities, innovations and findings (with due recognition of the Project context and ownership). We aim to disseminate two principle sets of communications:
- Scientific messages related to methods of designing, resourcing, populating and appraising models of primary health care for children and their impacts. This will be via conference presentations, stakeholder workshops and peer-reviewed journal publications
- Evidence-based advice on policy and adoption of optimal health system practice. These messages will be respectful to national Member States’ existing health systems and not couched as policy directives.
We will work with a number of existing organisations and networks in Europe, including the World Health Organisation, Health Forum Bad Gastein, European Public Health Association, European Health Management Association, European Patients’ Association, European Paediatric networks (such as the European Academy of Childhood) and Eurochild. At the end of the project, we will coordinate extensive promulgation of our results, including creation of electronic and printed versions of the final report and recommendations. We plan to hold a final large audience conference to promote all the findings on better child primary health models and effective deployment.