This work package will identify the current core models of child primary care, using a comprehensive literature review combined with local knowledge from MOCHA country agents in all EU countries, Norway and Iceland. The information will then be collated to identify and map the current models of care across all countries covered by the project. This will become the basic foundation for the continuing MOCHA work.
Work package 1 will also explore the different models by means of case studies, to show how each model works in the light of common childhood conditions – such as acute severe illnesses, long-term conditions, social vulnerability, learning difficulties or mental health problems; in terms of how the child presents to services, access and setting, the workforce involved and how other services are involved. The role of incentives in health care models, the patient experience, and the political and social context of the health service will also be investigated.
In addition, this work package with manage contact with colleagues across Europe, and act as the interface between the country agents and the external advisory board of the project. Work package 1 will also coordinate the work of the other work packages by facilitating meetings and teleconferences between the work package leaders and scientific teams.